In a medium bowl, combine the softened butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Whisk together until the filling looks like wet sand.
Line a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper and spray with cooking spray.
Open two cans of crescent roll dough. Separate the dough into squares and lay the squares end to end. You will have two rows of dough. Pinch together any seams.
Spread half the filling down the center of one row. Carefully roll the dough up by the long end. Repeat with the second row of dough. You will end up with two rolls.
Carefully twist the two rolls together to form a rope. Bring the ends of the rope together to form a ring.
Cover the dough with a clean kitchen towel and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Bake the cake for 15-20 minutes until the dough is golden brown.
Allow the cake to cool completely.
While the cake is cooling, combine the confectioner’s sugar, milk, and vanilla extract. Beat for one minute using an electric mixer.
Just before icing the cake, carefully hide a plastic baby somewhere inside the cake.
Spread the icing over the top of the cake, letting it drip down over the sides. While the icing is still wet, alternate decorating sections of the cake with the yellow, green, and purple sprinkles.
Allow the icing to set completely before serving.